The bad side of this island is a nature island of Billiton has tampered with the continuous exploration of minerals that are excellent this island, which Tin. If we come to this island by plane, will be seen from the ata of the holes of the former tin mining were abandoned.
But apart from all that, the Island belitung still have the beautiful beaches. The beaches on the coast of Pacific Islands known to have white sand and gently sloping. Large granite boulders that extend in several beaches, is also a beautiful natural decorations. Here are a number of tours that can be enjoyed on this island:
Marine Tourism
Besides the beach Tajung Kelayang, there is also a distance of Cape Coast High 31 KM from the center of Tanjung Pandan. The beach is used as the set of Laskar Pelangi has a large granite stones arranged as high as 15 feet adorn the beach area. "Amazing" is one word I can give to describe the beauty of this beach.There are many other beaches can be found on this island. In Sijuk district, there are also beaches Panyaeran Islands within 34 KM of Tanjungpandan. This beach is also said to be very beautiful. White sandy beaches with a sloping line. Pretty good for suiseki activity, because there are many unique rocks and sea shells.
Perhaps the day is not enough time to tour the island. Do not forget to stop at the Mount Berahu, a resort located in the village of Tanjung Binga, Sijuk. The distance is about 18 KM from Tanjungpandan that can be reached with only a 15 min trip. Berahu hill equipped with a swimming pool, cottages, and restaurant built over a small hill by the sea. So, while enjoying a meal in the restaurant, we can also enjoy panoramic coastal eye-catching.
Not far from Mount Berahu, there is also the village of Tanjung Binga Neayan. In addition to the processing of marine products, this village is the perfect place for people tyang have a hobby of fishing. Many locations around the island fishing village that could be a place for the hobby.
Panorama marine tourism can also be seen near the center of town Tanjungpandan. There is a beach that always visited both by locals and even tourists. His name Tanjungpendam beach. This beach is suitable for family recreation as equipped play facilities for children. Can also see the natural scenery at sunset. This place is also great fun.
There is also a tourist attraction island of birds. Why the bird island called? because there is a large boulder-shaped beak. It lies off the coast of Tanjung Binga. Then, there are holes in District Membalong Coast. This beach is known for its clear sea and white sand, making it suitable for a place to swim and dive. Also there are granite rocks just like the one on the island of Tanjungtinggi which adds to the beauty of the beach.
Beach Stone Hole In addition, there is also a beach in Membalong Excited bay that is located directly to the island Seliu berhadpan. This place is equally beautiful with the other beaches on the Pacific Islands. Every day, look past the fishing boats ply the waters around the coast.
There are so many beaches that surround this island. Not only marine tourism into existing tourism potential on this island. Still there are other tourist attractions such as villages and mountains, cultural tours, culinary tours to be enjoyed in this island.
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