Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kuta Bali a great beach

So far, people may recognize the name only to the extent of Kuta Beach. Actually Kutai is the name of a village or a tourist area, there are beaches, art markets and shopping areas. Walking along the Kuta will always meet Caucasians. Hanging out or surf on the beach see Caucasians. See buying clothes shopping Caucasians. Until going into a public toilet also ran into ama Caucasians. Well.

Since the Bali Bombing I and II, the number of Caucasians decreased, but the big one if spelled "quiet". If first time together, the percentage of people on the street is 70-30 for Caucasians, so now kira2 50-50.

This is Kuta, the place where people are free to express his style without worrying viewed or considered weird.

The beach is always crowded, even more crowded than the night market though. Five hundred people filled the area of ​​the beach from end to end every day. Not only foreign tourists and domestic, as well as the merchants acung. Here we can shower, surf ato just chatting. For women there are usually many small braids hair style ospek child, or to make temporary tattoos. Indonesian girl let alone the ABG is also starting to like Sunbathing. Everything is here.

Who is more excited, here you can see with girls freely Caucasians who sunbathe topless. Local people say the well (milk sunbathing, he .. he ..). Starting from the ABG until the old lady was there. Sights that may be very rare in this country. Quote recent years more his grandmother, because who ABG in applause to a more quiet and who more exotic, Dreamland Beach

For this one issue, the Government actually already took out his regulation prohibiting foreigners or who wrote naked fun on the beach. But the wealth of the ignorant foreigners wrote.

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