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Monday, March 2, 2015
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tourism on the belitung Island
Belitung Island is part of the province of Bangka-Belitung Islands. The island is often called the island of Billiton. I also have heard legends about this island, which mentioned the island of Billiton is a truncated Bali. Regardless of the truth, right at this island jka memliliki characteristics of beaches and beauty as well as on the island of Bali that have been known much earlier to foreign countries.
The bad side of this island is a nature island of Billiton has tampered with the continuous exploration of minerals that are excellent this island, which Tin. If we come to this island by plane, will be seen from the ata of the holes of the former tin mining were abandoned.
But apart from all that, the Island belitung still have the beautiful beaches. The beaches on the coast of Pacific Islands known to have white sand and gently sloping. Large granite boulders that extend in several beaches, is also a beautiful natural decorations. Here are a number of tours that can be enjoyed on this island:
Marine Tourism
Cape Coast District Kelayang in Sijuk has a stretch of white sand and calm sea. Since 2007, this beach is a place visited by many tourists from abroad. Every year, often held Sail Indonesia, where a group of sailing ships, sailing in the ocean and stop in Indonesia archipelago, including the island of belitung.
Besides the beach Tajung Kelayang, there is also a distance of Cape Coast High 31 KM from the center of Tanjung Pandan. The beach is used as the set of Laskar Pelangi has a large granite stones arranged as high as 15 feet adorn the beach area. "Amazing" is one word I can give to describe the beauty of this beach.There are many other beaches can be found on this island. In Sijuk district, there are also beaches Panyaeran Islands within 34 KM of Tanjungpandan. This beach is also said to be very beautiful. White sandy beaches with a sloping line. Pretty good for suiseki activity, because there are many unique rocks and sea shells.
Perhaps the day is not enough time to tour the island. Do not forget to stop at the Mount Berahu, a resort located in the village of Tanjung Binga, Sijuk. The distance is about 18 KM from Tanjungpandan that can be reached with only a 15 min trip. Berahu hill equipped with a swimming pool, cottages, and restaurant built over a small hill by the sea. So, while enjoying a meal in the restaurant, we can also enjoy panoramic coastal eye-catching.
Not far from Mount Berahu, there is also the village of Tanjung Binga Neayan. In addition to the processing of marine products, this village is the perfect place for people tyang have a hobby of fishing. Many locations around the island fishing village that could be a place for the hobby.
Panorama marine tourism can also be seen near the center of town Tanjungpandan. There is a beach that always visited both by locals and even tourists. His name Tanjungpendam beach. This beach is suitable for family recreation as equipped play facilities for children. Can also see the natural scenery at sunset. This place is also great fun.
There is also a tourist attraction island of birds. Why the bird island called? because there is a large boulder-shaped beak. It lies off the coast of Tanjung Binga. Then, there are holes in District Membalong Coast. This beach is known for its clear sea and white sand, making it suitable for a place to swim and dive. Also there are granite rocks just like the one on the island of Tanjungtinggi which adds to the beauty of the beach.
Beach Stone Hole In addition, there is also a beach in Membalong Excited bay that is located directly to the island Seliu berhadpan. This place is equally beautiful with the other beaches on the Pacific Islands. Every day, look past the fishing boats ply the waters around the coast.
There are so many beaches that surround this island. Not only marine tourism into existing tourism potential on this island. Still there are other tourist attractions such as villages and mountains, cultural tours, culinary tours to be enjoyed in this island.
The bad side of this island is a nature island of Billiton has tampered with the continuous exploration of minerals that are excellent this island, which Tin. If we come to this island by plane, will be seen from the ata of the holes of the former tin mining were abandoned.
But apart from all that, the Island belitung still have the beautiful beaches. The beaches on the coast of Pacific Islands known to have white sand and gently sloping. Large granite boulders that extend in several beaches, is also a beautiful natural decorations. Here are a number of tours that can be enjoyed on this island:
Marine Tourism
Besides the beach Tajung Kelayang, there is also a distance of Cape Coast High 31 KM from the center of Tanjung Pandan. The beach is used as the set of Laskar Pelangi has a large granite stones arranged as high as 15 feet adorn the beach area. "Amazing" is one word I can give to describe the beauty of this beach.There are many other beaches can be found on this island. In Sijuk district, there are also beaches Panyaeran Islands within 34 KM of Tanjungpandan. This beach is also said to be very beautiful. White sandy beaches with a sloping line. Pretty good for suiseki activity, because there are many unique rocks and sea shells.
Perhaps the day is not enough time to tour the island. Do not forget to stop at the Mount Berahu, a resort located in the village of Tanjung Binga, Sijuk. The distance is about 18 KM from Tanjungpandan that can be reached with only a 15 min trip. Berahu hill equipped with a swimming pool, cottages, and restaurant built over a small hill by the sea. So, while enjoying a meal in the restaurant, we can also enjoy panoramic coastal eye-catching.
Not far from Mount Berahu, there is also the village of Tanjung Binga Neayan. In addition to the processing of marine products, this village is the perfect place for people tyang have a hobby of fishing. Many locations around the island fishing village that could be a place for the hobby.
Panorama marine tourism can also be seen near the center of town Tanjungpandan. There is a beach that always visited both by locals and even tourists. His name Tanjungpendam beach. This beach is suitable for family recreation as equipped play facilities for children. Can also see the natural scenery at sunset. This place is also great fun.
There is also a tourist attraction island of birds. Why the bird island called? because there is a large boulder-shaped beak. It lies off the coast of Tanjung Binga. Then, there are holes in District Membalong Coast. This beach is known for its clear sea and white sand, making it suitable for a place to swim and dive. Also there are granite rocks just like the one on the island of Tanjungtinggi which adds to the beauty of the beach.
Beach Stone Hole In addition, there is also a beach in Membalong Excited bay that is located directly to the island Seliu berhadpan. This place is equally beautiful with the other beaches on the Pacific Islands. Every day, look past the fishing boats ply the waters around the coast.
There are so many beaches that surround this island. Not only marine tourism into existing tourism potential on this island. Still there are other tourist attractions such as villages and mountains, cultural tours, culinary tours to be enjoyed in this island.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The beauty of Wakatobi Island

We have a Beautiful Underwater World in the World ....
Sulawesi Island turned out to save the matchless beauty of the world. Not only the famous Bunaken, but a beautiful island in Southeast Sulawesi. Wakatobi island its name. The beauty of marine life has been the talk of the lovers of diving & snorkeling around the world. How not 750 types of marine life including coral reef life here. Yet worldwide there are only 850 species of marine life. So it never hurts to schedule a vacation day to stay on this island. Nearest pathway is through ship quickly from Turkey, or the Fokker plane from Bali about 1 hour. Merely to know about this island, please read the article from KENDARI EXPRESS below. And please enjoy the photos Wakatobi island and the sea is taken of wealth directly by the Karen, world-renowned photographer, who had done this many times to travel to the island.
KENDARI, Presidential - The beauty of the underwater national park Wakatobi, apparently sunguh is amazing for the world, as much as 90 percent of coral species in the world are found under the sea Wakatobi. Which means of the 850 species of coral that was in a world of 750 species found Wakatobi underwater garden.
This was revealed in his speech the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi (Southeast Sulawesi) Nur Alam SE and exposure presented by Regent Wakatobi Hugua Ir in the way of digital photo contest Louncing underwater Wakatobi international level in 2008 in Turkey Dawn Restaurant (third) Saturday night which was also attended Mayor Kendall, Ir Asrun, MEng Sc.
Judging from its location Wakatobi is at the heart of the world's coral triangle which is currently national park status, namely Indonesia, M

According Hugua, Wakatobi island is flanked by two seas in the Banda Sea and Flores Sea is a confluence of two currents in the ocean. According to fisheries and marine science, due to the confluence of two ocean currents, the current turnover came from the top to the surface and vice versa from the surface downwards. This is what causes the child's growth and plankton and coral reefs to be very healthy.
According to him, Wakatobi Island has the potential of marine istimewah compared to other islands in the World. In addition to having thousands of species diversity of coral reefs, underwater Wakatobi island also has an area of coral islands reach 9 thousand hectares or 1 / 7 the total area of reefs on the coast of Bunaken. "Curing underwater Wakatobi has the capacity (carrying capacity) to dive, millions of people for one dive," he said.
Hugua rate, underwater digital photo contest was chosen as the most inexpensive promotional event to introduce the Wakatobi marine tourism in foreign countries. "We use the approach patterns of friendship, of course, we also see the potential of Wakatobi's like what" he said.
Even for tourism in the Wakatobi mengatrol world, has signed trade agreements atoll by the Regents of three regents who represents the district of Wakatobi in Sulawesi islands,regent king Emp

Currently Wakatobi underwater tours to 90 thousand hectares, with the breadth of Wakatobi underwater tours, it will be very open opportunities for Wakatobi region can be more famous than the area that became a tourist attraction over the years.
With the breadth of Wakatobi underwater tours, then penyeleman capacity for visitors who want to enjoy the beautiful underwater tours, can reach millions of people. This means that potential, he added, the potential of the underwater beauty of Wakatobi are very promising, especially for regional economic improvement mengejot of the tourism sector.
He explained that the tourism sector Wakatobi has now increased revenue Wakatobi above one hundred percent today. In addition, with the formation Airport Wakatobi Wakatobi built by local government, the PAD revenue turnover will increase.
Investments for the airport Wakatobi, the first year 2007 reached 20 billion, while in 2008 it reached between 30-40 billion, so that by mid-year 2008, the airport as a transit airport can already be functioned with a runway 1,600 meters long.
"Now it has available land, so the next three years Wakatobi airport runway length can be extended up to 3000 meters. So the airport is believed to Wakatobi in the year 2009 to 2010 and above have to be a transit airport to Papua, Maluku, Sorong, King of the Four, and go back to Bunaken Manado , "he said.
While the budget for promotion out of the area attractions Wakatobi, Hugua explain the current PAD Wakatobi is still lacking, for the promotion of local government budgets are budgeted around 300 million each year, because he admitted when promotional budget should be large enough, but because the PAD is still lacking, then the budget promotion is still tailored to the ability of the region.
So as to overcome the limitations of the promotional costs, it uses the approach of friendship with various agencies, as well as many involving various parties that support the tourism program Wakatobi.
Thus, Wakatobi local government can be more helpful than the number of co-operation of various parties and no longer spend enough to campaign budget.
To support, Wakatobi underwater tourism activities, Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737 type 300 series will go at the airport Wolter Mogisidi Turkey in June. It was revealed Andi Ikhsan, Senior Sales Executive Garuda Indonesia Makassar, who had the opportunity to speak at the event.
Andi Ikhsan assess the tourism potential of South East Sulawesi good enough and should be supported with adequate transportation as well. "In supporting the promotion of Wakatobi Underwater Tour, which is the most beautiful tourist submarine in the world, we have also helped local governments conduct a campaign in all the Wakatobi Garuda Indonesia airline representative who is overseas," said Andi Ikhsan. P2-M9-HUM
Senggigi Beach
Lombok Senggigi beach tourism may still be many who do not know. Senggigi beach Lombok is one of the many tourist attractions visited by local and foreign tourists. Create a vacation with the family is suitable if you visit the beach this one. The location is exactly Senggigi beach in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The beach is located 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Mataram is indeed a tourist attraction famous for its beautiful beaches and naturalness.
Many people who judge the beauty of the Senggigi Beach is as beautiful beaches in Indonesia. Like the beach of Kuta, Legian and Sanur. There is also a judge if the beauty of the Senggigi beach is more than the beaches. because the condition is much more comfortable and quiet. Perhaps this is related to the arrival of foreign tourists has not been rampant in this beach.
Many people who judge the beauty of the Senggigi Beach is as beautiful beaches in Indonesia. Like the beach of Kuta, Legian and Sanur. There is also a judge if the beauty of the Senggigi beach is more than the beaches. because the condition is much more comfortable and quiet. Perhaps this is related to the arrival of foreign tourists has not been rampant in this beach.

And much more keistemewaan Senggigi beach Lombok. For those of you who prefer to spend your weekend on the beach, you should try the beach resort of Senggigi Lombok this exotic.
Losari beach

A. GlanceLosari is an icon of Makassar. First, the long beach is approximately one mile was once dubbed the beach with the world's longest table, because the tent stalls lined the shore embankment. Now, these stalls have been relocated to a place not far from the tourist area. Makassar Municipal Government to beautify the beach this has to make the pavilion area of 100 thousand square meters, making it seem more beautiful, clean, pollution-free and comfortable to visit. Tourism is most visited in the afternoon, between the hours of 15:00 until 21:00 hours PST.
B. FeatureLosari has a unique and fascinating features. Uniqueness is one of the visitors can witness the sunrise and sunset in a similar position. The specialty of these attractions are the visitors can enjoy the beautiful waves that break down the dike beach and coolness "angingmamiri" the blowing breeze, watching the seconds in full sun over the horizon, ie ranging from discoloration to shift its position until it completely disappeared from view.The visitors can also enjoy a wide variety of fresh seafood. To the south of the bridge Losari, there is a cafe and a floating restaurant that uses traditional boat Bugis-Makassar "Phinisi" with varied menu, such as cooking stingrays, squid and lobster with prices ranging from Rp 7,500, - to Rp 25.000, - per serving. In addition, the pengungjung can sample a variety of typical food of Makassar, such as bananas epek, pallu butung, green bananas, coto Makassar, soup konro, and others. Another specialty is the visitors can access the internet free of charge via the hot spots along Losari.
C. LocationLosari located right in the heart of the city of Makassar, namely on the Road Comforter, which is located to the west of the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi.
D. AccessLosari very strategic layout, making it easy to access. From Sukarno Hatta Makassar port, the beach can be reached about 15 minutes by car or motorcycle. If departing from Hasanuddin Airport, can be taken approximately 45 minutes by car or motorcycle.
E. Admission pricesLosari is a place of recreation for free (free) for the general public.
F. Accommodation and FacilitiesAround attractions are available various types of vehicles, such as: buses, taxis, and rickshaws are available to take visitors around to enjoy the atmosphere of Makassar. Along Jl. Comforter is also available lodging facilities ranging from guesthouses to five-star hotels, restaurants, cafes, hospitals, coffee shops, and various other entertainment venues, and all of them overlooking the sea. On Jl. Somba Opu, not far from the tourist attraction, there are shopping malls and souvenir craft gold Makassar.
B. FeatureLosari has a unique and fascinating features. Uniqueness is one of the visitors can witness the sunrise and sunset in a similar position. The specialty of these attractions are the visitors can enjoy the beautiful waves that break down the dike beach and coolness "angingmamiri" the blowing breeze, watching the seconds in full sun over the horizon, ie ranging from discoloration to shift its position until it completely disappeared from view.The visitors can also enjoy a wide variety of fresh seafood. To the south of the bridge Losari, there is a cafe and a floating restaurant that uses traditional boat Bugis-Makassar "Phinisi" with varied menu, such as cooking stingrays, squid and lobster with prices ranging from Rp 7,500, - to Rp 25.000, - per serving. In addition, the pengungjung can sample a variety of typical food of Makassar, such as bananas epek, pallu butung, green bananas, coto Makassar, soup konro, and others. Another specialty is the visitors can access the internet free of charge via the hot spots along Losari.
C. LocationLosari located right in the heart of the city of Makassar, namely on the Road Comforter, which is located to the west of the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi.
D. AccessLosari very strategic layout, making it easy to access. From Sukarno Hatta Makassar port, the beach can be reached about 15 minutes by car or motorcycle. If departing from Hasanuddin Airport, can be taken approximately 45 minutes by car or motorcycle.
E. Admission pricesLosari is a place of recreation for free (free) for the general public.
F. Accommodation and FacilitiesAround attractions are available various types of vehicles, such as: buses, taxis, and rickshaws are available to take visitors around to enjoy the atmosphere of Makassar. Along Jl. Comforter is also available lodging facilities ranging from guesthouses to five-star hotels, restaurants, cafes, hospitals, coffee shops, and various other entertainment venues, and all of them overlooking the sea. On Jl. Somba Opu, not far from the tourist attraction, there are shopping malls and souvenir craft gold Makassar.
Beautiful Natuna Islands
Kabupaten Natuna, merupakan salah satu Kabupaten di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Natuna merupakan wilayah kepulauan paling utara di Selat Karimata di sebelah utara, Natuna berbatasan dengan Vietnam dan Kamboja, sedangkan di Selatan, Natuna berbatasan dengan Sumatera Selatan dan Jambi. Untuk sebelah Barat, Natuna berbatasan dengan Singapura, Malaysia. Dan bagian Timur berbatasan dengan Malaysia Timur dan Kalimantan Barat.
Selama ini, Natuna yang berada pada jalur pelayaran Internasional dikenal sebagai penghasil Minyak dan Gas. Namun, Natuna, tidak hanya menyimpan hasil bumi, karena banyak tempat dapat dijadikan daerah kunjungan wisata, dengan pesona alam pantai dan laut, serta pulau-pulau yang indah untuk dikunjungi.
Sebut saja, pantai Sisi Serasan yang terletak di Kecamatan Serasan. Memang, sepintas bila kita melihat di Peta, lokasinya berdekatan dengan Kalimantan Barat, dan dekat dengan perbatasan Malaysia bagian Timur atau Serawak.
Dari Ranai, ibukota Kabupaten Natuna, untuk menuju Serasan, maka kita harus menempuh perjalanan laut. Biasanya masyarakat sekitar menaiki KM Bukit Raya milik PT.Pelni, yang memang rutin melayari perjalanan dari Ranai ke Serasan.
Dengan KM.Bukit Raya, waktu tempuh Ranai Serasan memakan waktu 10 - 11 jam perjalanan. Pantai Sisi, memiliki panjang sekitar 7 KM dengan hamparan pasir putih berkilauan. Pantai ini terbentang dari Entebung Kampung Payak sampai Teluk Resak Kampung Jermalik.
Untuk mencapai kawasan pantai dapat melalui Entebung atau melewati Engkalan, Kampung Genting. Setiap sore, pantai ini ramai dikunjungi. Tidak saja oleh kalangan muda yang datang untuk bersantai, bahkan juga para orang tua yang datang bersama keluarga, untuk sekedar berdarma-wisata.
Untuk sarana, di lokasi pantai terdapat sebuah kafe, tempat pengunjung menikmati aneka makanan dan minuman, seraya melihat pemandangan laut lepas dan hamparan pasir putih dan desiran ombak yang menggulung, serta pemandangan sunset, sore hari. Pantai Sisi, tidak pernah sepi. Sedari subuh, sudah terlihat aktifitas, yakni para nelayan setempat yang akan turun melaut, menangkap ikan, yang salah satunya adalah ikan Gerinsi. Pada siang hari, banyak warga yang datang ke pantai untuk menunggu para nelayan pulang melaut, untuk membeli ikan hasil tangkapan.
Menurut mantan Sekda Natuna yang kini menjadi Bupati Natuna terpilih pada Pemilukada, Februari 2011 lalu, Ilyas Sabli, yang merupakan putera kelahiran Serasan, pantai Sisi mempunyai potensi wisata yang amat besar untuk dikembangkan. Bahkan dirinya yakni, keberadaan pantai Sisi bisa menyaingi pantai-pantai terkenal di Indonesia. Ungkapnya, dengan hamparan pasir putih sepanjang 7 KM, ditambah dengan daratan yang luas dan rata sepanjang bentangan pantai Sisi, bisa dikembangkan sarana wisata berupa bandara dan hotel berbintang.
Dengan demikian, wisatawan yang datang untuk menikmati keindahan pantai Sisi, tidak akan terkendala pada sarana transportasi dan akomodasi. Lanjutnya, meski potensi wisata pantai Sisi belum benar-benar dikembangkan, akan tetapi sudah menjadi objek wisata masyarakat setempat. Biasanya, di tempat tersebut diadakan permainan rakyat, semisal panjat pinang, tarik tambang, dayung sampan dan permainan rakyat lainnya, termasuk penampilan band lokal untuk menghibur pengunjung.
Potensi alam natuna sanggat kaya tapi saya masih minim akses serta fasilitas pendukung, Ia berharap agar pemerintahan pusat dapat melakukan stady kelayakan terhadap potensi alam natuna hingga terekspos dengan kemasan sederhana dan bernilai jual yang sanggat baik dimata wisata dunia. Misalnya saja, keberadaan taman laut yang cukup indah disertai dengan pasir putih yang ada pada beberapa pulau tentu bisa dijadikan sebagai taman wisata.
Selain itu, ada pantai Tanjung, sisi serasan, Midai Pulau laut yang memiliki segudang potensi yang belum disentuh dan dikelola dengan profesional. Tetapi semuanya itu masih membutuhkan investasi besar untuk mengembangkan potensi wisata yang ada. Mudah mudahan saja seiring dengan pengelolaan Migas Blok D Alpha maka potensi wisata juga ikut berkembang, harapnya.
Selama ini, Natuna yang berada pada jalur pelayaran Internasional dikenal sebagai penghasil Minyak dan Gas. Namun, Natuna, tidak hanya menyimpan hasil bumi, karena banyak tempat dapat dijadikan daerah kunjungan wisata, dengan pesona alam pantai dan laut, serta pulau-pulau yang indah untuk dikunjungi.
Sebut saja, pantai Sisi Serasan yang terletak di Kecamatan Serasan. Memang, sepintas bila kita melihat di Peta, lokasinya berdekatan dengan Kalimantan Barat, dan dekat dengan perbatasan Malaysia bagian Timur atau Serawak.
Dari Ranai, ibukota Kabupaten Natuna, untuk menuju Serasan, maka kita harus menempuh perjalanan laut. Biasanya masyarakat sekitar menaiki KM Bukit Raya milik PT.Pelni, yang memang rutin melayari perjalanan dari Ranai ke Serasan.
Dengan KM.Bukit Raya, waktu tempuh Ranai Serasan memakan waktu 10 - 11 jam perjalanan. Pantai Sisi, memiliki panjang sekitar 7 KM dengan hamparan pasir putih berkilauan. Pantai ini terbentang dari Entebung Kampung Payak sampai Teluk Resak Kampung Jermalik.
Untuk mencapai kawasan pantai dapat melalui Entebung atau melewati Engkalan, Kampung Genting. Setiap sore, pantai ini ramai dikunjungi. Tidak saja oleh kalangan muda yang datang untuk bersantai, bahkan juga para orang tua yang datang bersama keluarga, untuk sekedar berdarma-wisata.
Untuk sarana, di lokasi pantai terdapat sebuah kafe, tempat pengunjung menikmati aneka makanan dan minuman, seraya melihat pemandangan laut lepas dan hamparan pasir putih dan desiran ombak yang menggulung, serta pemandangan sunset, sore hari. Pantai Sisi, tidak pernah sepi. Sedari subuh, sudah terlihat aktifitas, yakni para nelayan setempat yang akan turun melaut, menangkap ikan, yang salah satunya adalah ikan Gerinsi. Pada siang hari, banyak warga yang datang ke pantai untuk menunggu para nelayan pulang melaut, untuk membeli ikan hasil tangkapan.
Menurut mantan Sekda Natuna yang kini menjadi Bupati Natuna terpilih pada Pemilukada, Februari 2011 lalu, Ilyas Sabli, yang merupakan putera kelahiran Serasan, pantai Sisi mempunyai potensi wisata yang amat besar untuk dikembangkan. Bahkan dirinya yakni, keberadaan pantai Sisi bisa menyaingi pantai-pantai terkenal di Indonesia. Ungkapnya, dengan hamparan pasir putih sepanjang 7 KM, ditambah dengan daratan yang luas dan rata sepanjang bentangan pantai Sisi, bisa dikembangkan sarana wisata berupa bandara dan hotel berbintang.
Potensi alam natuna sanggat kaya tapi saya masih minim akses serta fasilitas pendukung, Ia berharap agar pemerintahan pusat dapat melakukan stady kelayakan terhadap potensi alam natuna hingga terekspos dengan kemasan sederhana dan bernilai jual yang sanggat baik dimata wisata dunia. Misalnya saja, keberadaan taman laut yang cukup indah disertai dengan pasir putih yang ada pada beberapa pulau tentu bisa dijadikan sebagai taman wisata.
Selain itu, ada pantai Tanjung, sisi serasan, Midai Pulau laut yang memiliki segudang potensi yang belum disentuh dan dikelola dengan profesional. Tetapi semuanya itu masih membutuhkan investasi besar untuk mengembangkan potensi wisata yang ada. Mudah mudahan saja seiring dengan pengelolaan Migas Blok D Alpha maka potensi wisata juga ikut berkembang, harapnya.
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